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    著記憶還深刻,趕快記錄下這人生的重要階段! 年初本來想說要回台灣一趟,所以申請公民的事情就一直拖著了,看著身旁跟我同一時期來的朋友們紛紛入籍,加上疫情反反覆覆回台時間遙遙無期,就把申請表填一填遞交出去了。身為DV取得綠卡,要交的文件似乎沒有太多,我只檢附了: 

  • ●全家的綠卡影本
  • ●英文戶籍謄本影本

面試的時間非常非常的早,早到天都還沒亮(6:30),算是第一批吧!進去的時候面試官桌上還放著吃著一半的早餐 🫕  簡單的寒暄一下就問我準備好了嗎? 她要開始考了: 

  • ●Who does a U.S. Senator represent? (這題我答錯,我以為是問我們州議員名字)
  • ●We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years? 
  • ●總統是誰?
  • ●副總統是誰?
  • ●Name one right only for United States citizens. 
  • ●Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?
  • ●What happened at the Constitutional Convention?

  • "The people elect the congress.
寫完後就恭喜我通過考試了。然後接下來就是針對N400的部分問問題,她一邊問一邊打字,對義務役當兵的部分有稍微多問了一點,最後她加註的部分會給你看然後簽名確認。最後就給你一張紙恭喜你通過面試。 Easy~

拿到那張紙去樓下排隊一群人一起宣誓,會給一個信封袋裡面有小國旗跟宣誓誓詞跟一些公民能幹嘛的文件,綠卡就會收走。宣誓完發給你公民紙,我是第一個拿到(也是當天第一個😁) ,拿到後就拍拍照可以走了。

面試題目: Do you have any questions for us?

好吧,我通常第一個念頭就是NO. 但是查到的資料都是說“不可以簡單的回答yes/no” .
(又不能問薪水福利,又不能問工時). So, 所以最好先了解一下該公司的業務內容,公司文化,相關新聞等。Please do not ask any questions where you already know the answer.


  1.  When do you plan to make a hiring decision?
  2.  What are the primary results you would like to see produced in this job?
  3.  What attributes are you looking for in the person that you hire for this position?
  4.  What types of people seem to do well in this department/company/position?
  5.  Could you give me an idea of what the company culture is like?
  6.  How would you describe your management style?
  7.  Please describe a typical day in this position.
  8.  Can you tell me about the team I would be working with?
  9.  What are the next steps in the interviewing process?

面試題目: Tell me about yourself?

最近在準備面試,把學校提供的一些面試準備方向記錄一下。 “Tell me about yourself“ 是很簡單也很深奧的問題。從這個問題的回答,人家想知道你如何看待這份工作的關係。所以不要回答家庭, 小孩等和工作無關的。


  • Education (as it relates to the position)
  • Skills/Related Work Experience
  • Job Focus/Future Career Plans
回答的方向可以簡單的以 現在- 過去- 未來 做一個編排。

Q: "Tell me about yourself." 
A: "Well, I'm currently is a part-time student at Clark College. I'm also a volunteer at Boys and Girls Clubs, where I teach young to code and maintain computers. Before that, I worked for one of a biggest real estate companies as a programmer in Taiwan.  I really enjoyed the work that I did, I build internal websites and APPs for our client use. I wrote over 10 APPs for different companies; some of them have been downloaded over 170,000 times until now. I have a positive attitude and like to challenge new things. That's why I left my comfort zone and came to the US to pursue my American Dream. "