Seattle 西雅圖夜釣小管 Squid fishing
Squid migration in Washington generally follows these timeframes:
- Squid are usually first seen in Neah Bay in Late May.
- Squid are present at City Pier in Port Angeles and the surrounding area from late June to the end of August .
- Squid appear near the Edmonds waterfront starting around September.
- Squid show up next in Elliot Bay and the surrounding Seattle shoreline.
- Squid arrive in Des Moines and Tacoma in late November and December.
- Squid are likely to be found throughout South Puget Sound in December and January.
我整理一下西雅圖熱門的地點有(點下去會打開google map)
- Edmonds - 規劃完善,有廁所和清理的平台,適合帶孩子,但是人很多。
- Golden Gardens Park
- Pier 69 70 - 路邊停車收費到8點。Pier 69 有公共的燈往海裡照,非常好的位子可是很難搶到。Pier70 可以釣的位子很多,有告示說12am-6am才可以釣,但是沒人在care,上廁所是個問題(pier69有個流動廁所)。
- Alki pier
- Des Moines
- Les Davis Pier - 門口有流動廁所,也有清理平台。
通常在太陽下山後一兩個小時就會開始咬了(當然白天也是有的) ,有些人會自備集魚燈或是大燈往海裡打增加集魚效果。如果發現其他人都大咬的時候,注意一下魚可能已經很靠水面了,假餌不用貼底,大概抓水下3-5米左右就可以了。大概5秒晃一下,往上拉的時候注意竿子有沒有比原來重(很靠感覺),有的話就直接往上捲不要停。
千萬不要用木蝦,因為你會發現這邊的squid都不吃。熱門釣點晚上常有人去現場賣,你可以參考看看,或是當地的釣具行或是去ebay用"puget sound squid jig" 關鍵字找。